Running a Debate

On the day of the debate

  1. Ensure that you have your room set up, including cameras and seating before joining the debate
  2. Take note to provide good lighting to your debate room
  3. Join the debate
    • Primary Join the debate at least 10 minutes prior to the debate start time
    • Junior Join the debate at least 10 minutes prior to the debate start time
    • Middle & Senior/Open Join the debate at least 65 minutes before the scheduled start time
  4. Complete a sound check with the Adjudicator or host when both teams are present
  5. Oversee the debate to ensure all rules, behaviour and etiquette is followed during the entire debate as set out in the competition rules
  6. Mute microphones when the opposition is speaking, un-mute when your team is speaking
  7. Where needed, move the camera position during your speaker’s argument to focus on the speaker and then back to the full team when the opposition is speaking